Al and I make it to our first TMCA Fish Fry - Channel Marker 17
But once we got there we had a blast. We were the last boat rafted up at Marker 17.

We got up early "Fish-Fry" Day to a beautiful sunrise.
Time for Fish Fry fund and so much fun.
Dancing and food galore!
We had a great time at the Fish Fry, however, and met some new friends Steve and Bron Lee and their friends Bob and Clair Perkins.
We partied and danced all day and all night.... some more than others!
Conga line on a boat? Really?

Since we rafted up at Marker 17 we were able to just walk back to the boat without dinghy-ing over to Beason Park. We were right there for the food and fun. So When Deana Jones "Called" everyone to dinner with her conch shell... the fish fry was 'on'.