Having tried in June to make our way west...only to abort and return home in Freeport because of the up stream flooding... we are on our way again. This is our first time this far west in our new Cambria... and only my 3rd time past Casa Grande... Al had gone all the way to Port Aransas with Steve Lee. Traveling with Kajun Krew and Island Gypsy we head out to Harborwalk about 11:00. It was a little windy, and we had a few showers, but all in all it was a good trip. We arrived mid-afternoon and enjoyed the pool area but it was not warm enough to get in. Having a sack-lunch dinner under the restaurant and finishing the evening on Island Gypsy. It was a wonderful start to our trip.
September 30, 2015 - Freeport
Wednesday morning we was really nice. Not too windy and plenty of sunshine. We left for Freeport about 11:00 for the short day's run. We got in and settled, showered and headed for On The River for dinner. The food was really good. Our waiter, Taylor, was in his 3rd week on the job and was aiming to please... he somehow lost Jerry's order and made up for it by topping off his wine for free and giving the balance to Norm.... which started the banter. We had a good time and when we got back to the slips headed to Kajun Krew for a night-cap. And we laughed. And we laughed. I think this is really going to be fun.
October 1, 2015 Matagorda Harbor
Thursday morning we were up earlier than usual so that we could get underway for our long day. Beautiful weather and calm winds. We noticed some major excavation just to the south of the ICWW just past the jetties. We saw them removing the dirt bank to allow the water to move back in to the newly laid concrete dock. Cool.
We had a hold up at the Brazos River Locks. We circled around for an hour and a half waiting for it to open.
They are doing work on the south river bank of the lock wall. Looks like the area is getting prepared for more business.
Once cleared we passed on through the locks.
The west lock wall was pretty messed up too. I'm sure it will be next for repair.
We saw some great house along the route... some that had the ICWW on one side and the gulf on the other. Very colorful specimens.
Passing through Caney Creek swing bridge
A really cool "tiny" shimp boat docked just past the bridge
October 2, 2015 - Casa Grande in Port O'Conner
We left Matagorda at 6:45. Gonna be a long/rough day across Matagorda Bay. We came right through the Colorado River Locks with no problem.. gates open.
We had a treat early on. A deer swam right in front of us to the other bank at the MAD Island Animal Refuge. So cool.
After a 2 hour nautical rodeo across the Matagorda Bay we were so glad to see the calm waters of Port O'Conner. Had 3 Slam Downs....
We arrived at Casa Grande early afternoon and laid back and relaxed all the rest of the afternoon.
Followed by docktails and dinner on the veranda
Grilling and sitting down to good food and good company at Casa Grande... Always a great stop!
And the sunset is phenomenal
October 3 - 6 2015 Port Aransas Municipal Marina
We left Casa Grande about 7:00 Beautiful clear day. San Antonio Bay was really a treat after yesterday's Matagorda Bay. It was a little roll-ly not bad at all.
The Port Aransas Bay Channel Markers had changed... so we discovered. What we were seeing on the chart were significantly different than what was on our chart. After checking Google Earth and Active Captain, we concluded that there were only 2 ways to get there and that apparently they had re-numbered the channel. Norm recognized the dolphin tie-ups full of barges and was confident we were right. Talking about dolphins.... they were really active. Putting on a great show jumping fully out of the water and danced around. Unfortunately I could not get any photos because I was out on deck getting lines ready to dock. But they were surely a sight.
The marina is right on the Aransas Pass ship channel and you have a great view of ship and pleasure craft traffic. A wonderful place to be.
We got settled in and rested then took the city bus over to Moby Dick for dinner. What a great place. Food was ok, but the place was so cute. All dressed out in nautical memorabilia. Cute gift shop too. My snow crab boiling pot with corn, sausage, potatoes and shrimp (crawfish were yucky) was really good. A cab back to the boat and we were ready for bed.
October 4, 2015
A huge pelican was perched on the pier when we got up to see the sunrise.
A beautiful morning on the water.
Port Aransas is a hopping little town. Tons of restaurants and the city bus driver gives you a tour as he goes from stop to stop. We got up early and did lots of work on the boat. I cleaned the inside and Al ran the cable for our new satellite antennae.

We then headed downtown to The Stingray Bar for lunch and the game. Texans were playing Atlanta. Terrible. They played terrible.
We got back to the boat in time to take a quick nap before heading out to dinner at Trouts. Trouts is a really pretty nautical theme restaurant. Food was ok. When we got back to the marina everyone came to our boat for 8:30 night caps! LOL.
October 5, 2015
Very busy day. Got up early and went to the Polly Anna.... a HUGE offshore shrimp docked right here in the marina. The couple who own it, built it. And they run it together.... going out every night and returning every morning to sell their shrimp right off the boat. Al and rode our bikes over to the boat and bought 3 lbs... at $6/lb. She actually gave us close to 4 lbs. I can't wait to cook'um up. 5 hour old shrimp is pretty fresh.

We then walked over to a tackle shop called Port "A" Outfitters.... I bought a cute little purse! Then we headed back to the boat to rest up for dinner!
We caught the city bus once again... (they only charge .25) and went to eat at Shells. We had eaten there a long time ago...It was good. but not as good as it cost. We returned to our boat for desert and to watch Monday Night Football. At "Cambria's Sports Bar." Tomorrow we shop!
October 6, 2015
Well we got up, I made breakfast.... we ate and the ladies caught the 10:24 bus to go shopping. Al and the fellows stayed behind. Al took that opportunity to clean the side of the boat and to take down the trailer park antennae.
Well, we got to town.... and none of the shops were open. Off Season as hit Port Aransas apparently. We did find that the Gratitudes - "Pink Lady" was open. A cute little shop with cards and trinkets and funny/different items. I bought some really cute cards that hang on a wine bottle for different occasions.... very clever. Now I wait for an occasion to use them.
We took the city bus and met the guys for lunch at Victoria's again... so good. And then dinghied back to the boat. Since we are leaving in the morning to move to Aransas Pass we put up the dinghy. Started putting things away and then just hung out on the boat the rest of the afternoon. A nap was in order :-)
October 7, 2015 - Aransas Pass - Redfish Bay Marina
Another travel day. We had a lovely 1 hour ride to Aransas Pass - Redfish Bay Marina. We were entertained by tons of dolphins along the way.
Redfish Bay Marina is a great little marina with just a restaurant - Redfish Willie's - Food was great for lunch.... I had the most wonderful fried shrimp ever... Al had yummy crab cakes. Dinner, unfortunately was not so good. Obviously the chef had left for the day. Al had a hamburger.... dry and tasteless... Several of us had redfish.... it was terrible. dry and tasteless... way too over cooked.... Nell had Shrimp Grits! They were wonderful.... Lucky Nell.
We just hung out and enjoyed the nice location and beautiful weather.
I had a chance to get caught up on the washing. They have a great bath house/laundry facility. I sat out at the tables by the water and worked on backing up the files on my computer... I was able to get wifi there .... not so much in the boat.
We made it an early night. Early start for the short trip to Rockport tomorrow. The winds are suppose to kick up and we want to try to get there before that happens.
October 8 - 11, 2015 - Rockport Municipal Marina
We got up early as planned and headed out in order to try to miss the winds what were suppose to start later in the day. Daybreak was so pretty with all the dark clouds.
Here is Jerry pulling in to the ICWW.
Both Melody and Barbara Selldin told us about a restaurant Paradise Key which is right on the ICWW so here is a view from the boat.
As we turned up the ICWW before the cut to Rockport we had to go through a dredge... Pretty skinny through there.

As we came into the Rockport Marina we were told to stay close to the reds to avoid shallow area... At first they put us at the Yacht Club.... so we got all tied up and plugged in to power and water.
Shortly after that we were able to move by the other guys so we had to undo - move - re-do.
Rockport is a neat little town... with shops and a few restaurants within walking distance. And the marina has GREAT wifi!
There were several very "interesting" boats in the marina.
We walked over to look in a few shops and grab some lunch at Allegro Bay. They say it used to be Hemmingway's. Food was good... but they toasted my BLT... even though I asked them not to! LOL... Al had a club sandwich.
That evening we crammed (literally) ourselves into a cab to go eat at Paradise Key. It did have great views and the food was not too bad. But a bit expensive.
For breakfast, we all walked over to Bakery Cafe for a great breakfast. The food was really good.
We came back to the boat and watched the Astros lose their second playoff game to KC. It rained most of the day and I made some wonderful shrimp dip to take over to Jude and Jim's (friends of the group) for dinner. They have a lovely "beach" house a few blocks from the water but has a wonderful view of the bay and Key Allegro Marina. The couple are really nice and we had a very nice time.
October 10, 2015 (Rockport day 3)
We slept in.... to 8:30. We got up and I made breakfast and then everyone met to walk over to the "Sea Fair". This is an annual event which has been going on for about 30 years. There were vendors and bands and food and crab races and cardboard boat races. Jan and Norm's son, Richard and his girlfriend participated in the event. They built a "toilet". They took 3rd place (out of 3... LOL)... but they did get the most creative... and rightfully so.
October 11, 2015 - (Rockport day 4)
Having had less than acceptable meals at Allegro Bay we decided to try Lunch at JJ's. It was a small, mom and pop restaurant... old style country food... and it was great! I loved the liver and onions and Al had a (1) slider.... he was saving himself for dinner...
Dinner at Bellino's, a very nice small restaurant in Fulton. Richard and Colleen had a car so we were able to shuttle over. The food was so good... great choice...
October 12,2015 - Casa Grande
Crossing San Antonio Bay was a piece of cake... We got out early to avoid any surprises. However, when we got to the marina... and were just about to pull into our slip... literally, we were hit by tremendous wind... cold front coming through. We had to abort our first attempt...and on our second attempt the engine died just about 10 feet from the dock that we were being pushed in to. Al got the engine started just in time to gun it before we backed into the pier.. On the third try we made it in with the help of Norm and Jan... who had just missed the wind by just a matter of minutes.
But our trauma was short lived. We enjoyed the afternoon... I went into the engine room with Al and he showed my how to clean the a/c and engine water strainers, check the oil and transmission fluids and to switch the fuel tanks. I passed, I think. This is very good stuff for me to know.
We met at the Pavilion for a wonderful cook-out/share a dish and lots of laughs.
Early to bed and a prayer for good weather crossing the Matagorda Bay tomorrow!
October 13,2015 - Matagorda
We could not have been blessed with a better day to cross. After holding up in Port O'Conner for about 30 minutes waiting for a ship to come through we were able to head out. The sky was incredible. There were showers just off-shore to our south and the clouds were amazing. But we came across the bay without any rain. We said that "happiness is 4kt winds on Matagorda Bay"
We had planned to eat at Spoonbills but the lady who owns it was having her last chemo treatment and the restaurant was closed. So, we gathered once again at the club house and enjoyed another meal to share. There was a TV there so we watched The Best Time Ever, and the Voice.... while we were recording the Democrat Debate.
October 14,2015 - Freeport
A uneventful day on the water with an easy docking and we headed back to On The River for dinner and the owner let us turn the table around so that no one had their back to the TV as we watched the final Astro Game... Sadly, we would have been better served with our backs to the TV... LOL... But the food was GREAT!
We had the same taxi lady as we had this summer.. but we had a big laugh trying to figure out how to divvy the money up for the taxi. You would think that 3 accomplished men, having retired from prominent positions with some of the worlds largest companies, that they would have been able to figure it out!
October 15, 2015 - Harbor Walk
Another perfect day on the water. Cool and calm. We really have been so blessed with excellent weather on this trip.
When we got to the marina, our slip (A-15) and got all tied up and lines curled we discovered that we did not have electricity. Both of the other guys had no problem. We knew that A-16 had problems so since they are on the same pedestal and the others had electricity we were not surprised. So, we moved the boat. Hooked up again.... still no electricity. Then again we moved... again no electricity. So we called to find out what was going on and were told we had to go pay first and they would turn it on. We all got a big laugh from the others that we had a bad reputation about skipping out on slip fees. They quickly came down and turned it on once we paid. Note to self: Don't move until you talk to the office.
Dinner at Floyd's was as great as it always is. We had a wonderful meal then went over to Nell and Jerry's boat for after dinner drinks... which was actually a little surprise birthday party for Nell. Jan brought a cake and I brought the ice cream.
Unfortunately,Norm could not make it. He was not feeling well. He has had a heart attack so they did not want to take any chances so we ended up calling 911. They assessed him and took him to the hospital. At the hospital they determined it was arrhythmia and that he need to see his cardiologist as soon as he could. They discharged him... bare-footed and no shirt with just a pair of pajama shorts. They game him some sox and an exam gown for a shirt. They waited and hour for a taxi, then when they got to the marina the guard gate was closed so they had to walked over a mile back to the boat. Thank goodness he had those sox.
October 16, 2015 - Back home
When we got up Norm was feeling well enough to head back. He slept in and we did not leave until about 9:00. The weather was good then, but was suppose to have a front come in the next day with rain the next day. So, we were glad to leave.
After an wonderful ride through the Pelican cut and into the ship channel the wind started picking up. It was a bit rough but not too bad. Then, about halfway back to Kemah the winds kicked up. The waves kicked up. And, it was a terrible ride all the way back. Spray from the waves were dousing the boat and coming even into the fly bridge. What a ride... it was worse than we had in Matagorda Bay. We made it into our slip without too much troubl although Al had to re-group to get into the slip. Then, not ten minutes after we got in, the wind died and it was a beautiful calm afternoon.
We really had a great trip. Our first beyond Casa Grande... so much fun.