Along the way, Linda noticed that there was a calf stranded at the base of a cliff. Apparently he had fallen off the cliff and was struggling to stay afoot in the shallow water as wakes tossed him about with every passing tow. She and Barb started trying to find some authority who could help locate the owner. They finally contacted the Sheriff who knew who's it was and set out to make contact with the owner of the calf who was able to go save him. Linda is the Animal Good Samaritan. It is very fortunate that she has good eyes and a good heart.
Next stop - Welcome to Delcambre... you pronounce that like welcome with a D. And rightfully so... it was just about the friendliest place you can imagine... we turned off the ICWW into the Petit Anse Bayou (Pronounced Petty Ans).... The trip was like the scene from Deliverance.... A slow and winding trek through the middle of marsh and sugar cane fields about 7 miles up the bayou. Beautiful, peaceful stretch of trees... look at the two egrets, with their reflection in the water.
We get to a fork in the bayou and to the right is Avery Island... where Tobasco is made!.... and to the left is Delcambre....
Jim and Kitty Kenworth... and Glo (Gloria) were our hosts, tour guides and brand new BFF's. The first night out they took us for a great dinner at
R & M Boiling Point. So, begins our eating our way across Louisiana (as usual).
Kitty and Jim are sailors. They live on their sailboat and have sailed all over... they have sailed and lived in Guatemala twice and are about to set sail there again soon. She works for the Port Authority/Delcambre Public Relations person and is a little spit-fire sweetheart. Glo is just the sweetest thing. She is 87 and still going strong... She lives in this beautiful home that she was actually born in... and is a pillar in the community. She and Kitty were our tour guides.
We started the day with a trip over to the wharf for fresh shrimp.We bought our shrimp off the M/V Pumpkin.
Making our purchase - 5 lbs. $4/lb.

Shrimp boat coming into the Wharf
After making our shrimp purchased we started on our whirlwind tours.... We loaded up and headed to Konriko (Conrad Rice Company) for a tour of the mill. The oldest one in the country still in operation... It operates today with the same equipment and process that it has always used.. with minimum modernization. It was really interesting.
Now a historic site, little has changed. And it is still in full operation. Some of the equipment has been updated to make it automatic, but the same equipment is used. The old carts are there as is the bagging machine and sewing machine used to sew off the end of the bags.... tip... pull from right to left and it will open every time. Also, they are using natural pest control... the place is full of cats... and were told not to touch them as they were not friendly.... of course cats are not typically "friendly" anyway.... I'm sure that Barbara Wybro would NOT want to visit there.
There was a great little gift shop that had lot's of gluten free stuff so I loaded up on stuff to send to Angela... Notice the size of my bag... They said I won the most items purchased award.
From there we went to Victors Cafeteria. Which had great food so we enjoyed a great lunch.
Next stop was the Joe Jefferson Mansion and the Rip Van Winkle Gardens.

Joe Jefferson had built a house there on the banks and it was also consumed in the collapse of the mine and all that is left of it is the chimney that sticks up through the water at the edge of the estate. Remarkably no one died.
Note: I am not certain on all the facts and dates... I plan on doing some research and adjust my entry accordingly.
Still standing is the The Joe Jefferson Mansion and the magnificent grounds and gift shop, restaurant and bed and breakfast the place is a beautiful respite for a peaceful time out.
It sits on a hill (salt dome) surrounded by huge moss-draped oaks and beautiful gardens and wildlife abounds. Birds, peacocks, and other critters.
The tour of the house was very interesting, but the tour guide was self-absorbed and out-right rude.... but she dressed the part :-)
Surrounding the estate are the Rip Van Winkle Gardens, Named for the play that Joe Jefferson made famous.

What once was a swimming pool with a fountain is now a beautiful lily pond.
Found on the property was a buried treasure of coins.... There were still some remaining on display in the mansion.
There was a gift shop, restaurant and bed and breakfast as well as a hall which was frequently used for weddings. Josh and Al are on the front porch of the gift shop hanging out.

Al hanging out on the veranda of the restaurant
After wrapping up our tours we headed back to the marina and rested up. It's a good thing too because the North Pier Marina and The Port of Delcambre Public Relations folks threw a wonderful BarBQue for us. It was such a treat to meet all of these friendly people. We enjoyed the food and the company!
They rolled out the red carpet along with boudin, bacon wrapped shrimp and chicken, sausage salad, potatoes.... and the grand finale.... BREAD PUDDING!

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